etsy shop: new additions
Some new pieces are up in the etsy shop! Thought I’d share a few of them here. The pink version of the ‘i love canada’ print has been pretty popular, so I thought I’d add another colour variation – red...
View Articlea roundup: freebie printables for your walls
I don’t know about you guys, but I always get re-invigorated in the spring and am ready to get going on projects I have been putting off on the to-do list, switch up the accessories in our pad for...
View Articlethe inspiration files: DIY nursery artwork roundup
Now that we’re checking a few of the bigger things off our nursery to-do list, my brain is wandering over to the small details. These are always the thing that really make a room, don’t you think? With...
View Articleproject nursery: a gallery wall
Progress on the nursery has been pretty steady going. We just have a few small details to get to that finish line! I had hinted before that I wanted to do a gallery wall above the pink + gold dresser...
View Articlea DIY deer silhouette canvas with ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape
I was recently in touch with the folks over at 3M who make ScotchBlue painter’s tape. They wanted to send me a few rolls and see what kind of projects I could get up to. Well, I thought it would be fun...
View ArticleDIY artwork: a triangle canvas with ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape
So we’re back with art project number 2 in our ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape original artwork week! One of the more obvious ways of using tape to create some original artwork is to do a geometric pattern...
View ArticleDIY artwork: a tree canvas with ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape
Happy Friday, guys! So here is the last art project for our ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape week. I racked my brain and perused pinterest for a while to think about this third canvas. I didn’t want to do any...
View Articleetsy shop: new prints launched
Just in time for the holidays, I have launched a few new prints in the etsy shop! Most continue to be watercolour-based, but I have been having fun with some graphic stuff too. I designed this “be...
View Articleaudrey + gem: art prints summer sale
It’s Wednesday and it feels like we are only just starting the week. Gotta love that. Dan took Monday off work and had Tuesday off for Canada Day, so we had an extra extra long one. Did some cottaging...
View Articleweekend in review: Etsy craft fair
This past weekend was the Etsy: Made in Canada craft fair here in Ottawa (and others were held all across Canadian cities). It was my first time participating in a craft fair. I packed up my little...
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